Teacher Scott, LLC is run by Dr. Scott Roos, Ed.D.,who teaches Ayurveda, Yoga, Yoga Philosophy, Vedic Astrology, and Sanskrit.
He is located in New Orleans, Louisiana.
He is located in New Orleans, Louisiana.
Recurring Classes in New Orleans
8:15am Qi Gong at the Spyre -- FREE
8:30am Qi Gong in Audubon Park --Suggested Donation $10-$20
Audubon North Oak Allée--Between the Bandstand and the Running Path
(Weather dependent--If it's raining, we meet under the Bandstand)
8:15am Qi Gong at the Spyre -- FREE
8:30am Qi Gong in Audubon Park --Suggested Donation $10-$20
Audubon North Oak Allée--Between the Bandstand and the Running Path
(Weather dependent--If it's raining, we meet under the Bandstand)
AyurvedaAyurveda is the traditional system of medicine from India. Ayurveda excels at keeping people healthy and at prevention of disease because it can catch a disease in its very early stages before it manifests as a full-blown pathology. Ayurveda always seeks out the cause of the disease and desires to treat the cause.
YogaYoga is a non-sectarian science of spiritual transformation and can help people build physical, emotional, and mental strength, flexibility, stability, and awareness. It can address issues in the physical, energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual aspects of a person. Individually designed yoga practices can effect radical positive change.
Sanskrit InstructionTeacher Scott has completed two years of Upper Division Sanskrit at the University of California at Berkeley and teaches Sanskrit to small groups and individuals.
Yoga SutrasThe Yoga Sutras are a 2000 year old text on Yoga Philosophy. The text outlines the basic tenets of how to remove suffering and includes a repository of practices for removing suffering from the mind.
What Other People Are Saying...
Breanne, Sacramento |
Max, San Francisco |
Bonnie, Michigan |
And some pictures...
Teacher Scott is available for consultations, private lessons, small group study, or workshops. See the list of Services for more information.